An Honest Update on Shadows of Betrayal

Hello lovely people!

I thought I'd write a little update about where I am with the game.

I am still working on the script, but lately I've made a lot of progress. My vision for the game's length remains the same: five days plus an epilogue, with three different main ending routes. Each of those days is packed with meaningful events—there's no filler or aimless rambling. Every scene has a reason to be there. The days in this game are also quite long, especially in comparison to Dreamwalker, my previous game—I'm aiming for Shadows of Betrayal to be a little longer than Dreamwalker was in overall length, though not by a huge margin—still just a few hours per playthrough.

Feedback from play testers has been very positive. Words like "entertaining", "interesting", "mysterious" and "energetic" have been used to describe the story. "Good stuff" as well. 😉

I'm behind schedule on my original release date, as I took a break from writing. I've got to admit, I felt a little frustrated when this game received far fewer wishlists than Dreamwalker after its initial announcement—even when I'm sure this is easily the best thing I've ever written. I'm especially proud of the character work in this. I'm obviously not doing this for money, but it's still demoralizing when reality doesn’t match your expectations. A storyteller wants his story to be heard.

Beyond the script, there are other aspects of the game I'm not fully happy with yet, and I hope to improve them before launch. For now, my top priority remains finishing the script. I'm not going to guess any release dates yet—much of it depends on inspiration, since this is not my job, just a side project I'm working on because I love good stories—both writing them myself, and enjoying them in many forms, be it video games, movies, books... What have you.

Anyway, as always, thanks so much for your interest in my humble project. It's very much appreciated!

- JayzonBH

P.S. The game is now available on Steam as well, if you prefer that platform. There's a free demo there, which ends at the same point as the Itch alpha.

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